
Understanding Webflow Breakpoints

Explore essential strategies and benefits of starting your Webflow design process at the base breakpoint for optimal responsive web design.

Utilizing Breakpoints in Webflow: An Enhanced Guide

What Are Breakpoints?

In simple terms, breakpoints are specific points in the CSS where the layout of the website changes to better fit different screen sizes. This ensures your website is responsive, providing a seamless user experience across various devices. In Webflow, breakpoints allow you to design your site for different screen widths without having to write a single line of code.

Default and Extended Breakpoints

Webflow provides four default breakpoints:

  • Desktop (Base): 992px and above
  • Tablet: 768px to 991px
  • Mobile Landscape: 480px to 767px
  • Mobile Portrait: 479px and below

Additionally, you can enable three larger breakpoints for more precise control over larger screens:

  • 1280px
  • 1440px
  • 1920px

Cascading Styles: How They Work

Webflow uses a bidirectional cascade system for styles:

  • Cascading Down: Styles set on the desktop breakpoint cascade down to tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait breakpoints.
  • Cascading Up: Styles set on larger breakpoints (1280px, 1440px, 1920px) cascade up from the desktop breakpoint.

This cascading nature means styles applied at any breakpoint will affect all subsequent smaller breakpoints (cascading down) or larger breakpoints (cascading up) unless explicitly overridden.

Designing for Breakpoints

Start with Desktop (Base) Breakpoint

  1. Begin your design at the desktop breakpoint (992px and above).
  2. Ensure all elements, including layout, typography, and images, are styled correctly.

Adjust for Tablet Breakpoint

  1. Switch to the tablet view (768px to 991px).
  2. Make necessary adjustments, such as resizing text and images, and rearranging elements.

Tweak for Mobile Landscape and Portrait

  1. Move to mobile landscape (480px to 767px) and then mobile portrait (479px and below) views.
  2. Focus on readability and touch targets, ensuring all interactive elements are usable.

Tips for Mastering Breakpoints

  1. Use Flexbox and Grid: These tools create flexible designs that adapt naturally across breakpoints.
  2. Hide/Show Elements: Use visibility settings to hide or show elements based on the breakpoint.
  3. Viewport Height (VH) Units: For full-height sections, use viewport height units (e.g., 100vh) for consistent section heights across devices.
  4. Nested Symbols: Manage recurring elements with nested symbols to save time and maintain consistency.
  5. Test on Real Devices: While Webflow’s preview mode is useful, testing on actual devices ensures your design works in real-world scenarios.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Ignoring Smaller Screens: Always check and adjust designs for smaller screens.
  2. Overloading Custom Breakpoints: Use custom breakpoints sparingly to avoid complicating the design process.
  3. Inconsistent Styling: Ensure consistent styling across breakpoints by managing classes in the Style Manager.

Switching and Adding Breakpoints

Switching Breakpoints

  1. Use the device icons in the top bar of the Designer to switch between breakpoints.
  2. Resize the Designer canvas to preview your site’s responsiveness on different devices.

Adding Larger Breakpoints

  1. Click the breakpoint dropdown next to the desktop icon in the top toolbar.
  2. Select the desired breakpoint (1280px, 1440px, or 1920px) from the dropdown.
  3. Remember, you cannot remove a larger breakpoint once added, but you can clear its unique styles by selecting the breakpoint and using Option + click (Mac) or Alt + click (Windows).

Overriding Styles on Breakpoints

You can override cascading styles for any breakpoint:

  • To override a style, change its value at the specific breakpoint.
  • To reset an overridden style, click the blue or pink indicator next to the style and choose Reset or use Option/Alt + click.

Why Do We Design on the Base Breakpoint?

Designing on the base breakpoint, which is the desktop view (992px and above), is a fundamental practice in responsive web design. Here’s why it’s essential to start at this point:

  1. Foundation for All Styles:
    • The base breakpoint serves as the primary foundation for all your styles. When you design at this level, you establish the core visual and functional elements of your website that will be inherited by all other breakpoints.
  2. Cascading Efficiency:
    • Styles created at the base breakpoint cascade down to smaller breakpoints (tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait). This cascading nature ensures that the fundamental styles are consistently applied across various devices, making the design process more efficient.
  3. Greater Control Over Complexity:
    • Desktop designs typically involve more complex layouts and interactions compared to mobile designs. Starting with the base breakpoint allows you to manage and simplify this complexity. Once the desktop design is set, adapting it to smaller breakpoints becomes a matter of tweaking and optimizing, rather than redesigning from scratch.
  4. Optimized Workflow:
    • By starting with a larger canvas, you can easily see and manipulate all elements and design features. This comprehensive view ensures that no elements are overlooked, leading to a more cohesive and polished design.
  5. Responsive Refinement:
    • Once the desktop design is complete, you can progressively refine the design for smaller screens. This approach ensures that the user experience is consistently good across all devices, as you can address specific needs and constraints of smaller screens systematically.
  6. Maintaining Design Consistency:
    • Designing from the desktop down ensures that the visual hierarchy and branding elements are preserved. Consistent styles are easier to maintain when they are set initially on the base breakpoint and then adjusted as needed for smaller screens.


Mastering breakpoints in Webflow is essential for creating responsive websites that provide a great user experience on all devices. Start with the default breakpoints, use larger breakpoints as needed, and follow best practices to ensure your site looks great everywhere. Don't forget to leverage units like SVH to maintain consistent designs across various screen sizes. Happy designing!

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